张力参数的效果好像变了一点?/ A change in the effects of the tension parameter?

Build 018里张力参数的效果好像变了一点?以前拉下去的话声音会变虚,音量也会稍微减小,但是现在音量好像改变不大了,不知道是不是这个原因,我拉下去之后感觉声音质量只会变糊,动用其他参数也很难达到以前的效果。不知道是不是只是我这里的bug还是真的变了,所以想问一下。

Have the effects of the tension parameter in build 018 slightly changed? Before this build, lowering the value had caused the voice to be less solid and quieter, but in this build, the tension parameter doesn’t seem to affect the volume like before. I don’t know if it’s because of this or not, but now lowering tesion only makes the voice sound more muffled, and I can’t get to the same effect as before by combining the effects of other parameters. I don’t know if this is a bug that only happens with me or an actual change that has been made, has anyone noticed this?

「いいね!」 1

hmm :thinking: I haven’t but mostly because I used the voicing parameter more…
but this seems interesting.