Lowercare 'r' is not interpreted as a rest when importing USTs

In UTAU both upper and lowercase “R” are used for rests, yet if a UST has a lowercase “r” in it, it shows up as a note when imported to SynthV. It took a while for me to figure out what was happening because SynthV doesn’t seem to handle USTs encoded in Shift JIS either, which is a problem for a lot of Japanese songs.

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agreed. it’s definitely an issue.

also, auto-conversion from VCV. a LOT of USTs use it. but thats not as high a priority.

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Could you upload an example of a UST file with lowercase ‘r’ rest notes so I can run tests on?

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This was where I found it, it’s Echoblosson123 and Scottei’s Toluthin Antenna, the CV version. The offending rests are at the very end of the song, around measure 124.
Here’s a simpler UST with four rests, two uppercase and two lowercase, you’ll see that the uppercase Rs aren’t imported

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Bug confirmed. Bug fix is added to Build 013 release plan.
SHIFT-JIS support is a different issue that is not likely to be implemented though. The detection and handling of non-unicode code pages requires platform-specific libraries. On Linux it’ll be libiconv and on Windows the issue is further complicated by the user’s default settings.

  • Linux / OSX (WIP): Synthesizer V does not support SHIFT-JIS on Linux.
  • Windows: no SHIFT-JIS support if the system default code page is not SHIFT-JIS; otherwise, auto converts SHIFT-JIS encoded files (regardless of .ust or whatever) into UTF8.

When I was working on Moresampler there had been a lot of code wasted on the conversion between local code page and Unicode, which later turned into quite a heavy load of technical debt. Legacy encoding is evil.

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