Vocoflex - Real-time vocal morphing plugin from Dreamtonics

Yes, these I can already modify with SynthV. The timbre was one I couldn’t modify much, so I use a voice changer. Now Dreamtonics is giving me even morphing voice changer. What could I dream of more?

I know the licensing and rights will be problematic, but I’m a hobbyist, I don’t publish it or I don’t much care.
Artists can use their own voice - this is awesome.

Just got one idea that I must test if I am accepted for the beta! Like most people I can sing but I definitely do not have a “good” voice and absolutely zero training in singing. But maybe I can record me singing as best I can and use that file in Vocoflex?
I am male and I already have Kevin so maybe he can be morphed into my voice?
That could open up a lot of new possibilities and be a lot of fun :grinning:

The topic of SynthV voices and how they might interact with Vocoflex is mentioned in the FAQ:

Do I still need multiple Synthesizer V voices if Vocoflex can already do so much?

Vocoflex can augment Synthesizer V’s capability by processing the output from Synthesizer V Studio Plugin.

While Vocoflex modifies the voice timbre, it retains the pronunciation habits and nuanced singing expressions. So, even with the same setup in Vocoflex, the result will not be the same on each Synthesizer V voice database. You’ll be able to work with an even greater range of voices by combining Vocoflex with different Synthesizer V voice databases.

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It’s very annoying that RVC captures the dynamics of the voice but the volume doesn’t reflect that. You have to use volume in the DAW to reflect the dynamics. The end result will sound like dynamics and not volume but a major pain.

Can’t wait to try Vocoflex for this reason and that I don’t have to wait 4-5 hours to process a voice.

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What are the requirements for the audio samples that we want to use ? (Min/max duration, language, octave range tessiture, etc) ?

Any new about the beta? Has anybody started testing yet?
I signed up quickly but have not heard anything.

Still waiting… :grin:

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It seems people have already received the beta…
Has anyone here been enrolled? I heard nothings from Dreamtonics.

Vocoflex hands-on video

Seem to be very interesting technology. Not sure that I got it right on how you should use it though. Am I right to assume that you can’t use Synth V voices -even if you have bought the voice bank? And of course you can’t use it with voices you might have extracted from commercial tracks for apparent reasons. So what is there left to use it with? you own voice and anyone who gives you rights to use his/her voice to this type of usage?

I think we will soon get more details, than just the promo video.

You say that like it’s a bad thing. :confused:

Yes, you can only use it with voices you have the rights to use.

You can also manually modify the parameters, and create your own voice.

I really hoped that Vocoflex could be used to add the missing things to SynthV’s voices…like the scream and sforzato modes. I thought that by mixing a SynthV voice with a little bit of me screaming, it could be done.

We’ll have to look elsewhere, it seems. But it still is a pity.

After all, if it can only be used to morph between me and a friend of mine, it becomes useless pretty soon…

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I have a feeling that they are hand picking beta testers who are really active on social media. Which means that I will probably have to wait a long, long time… :sob:

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A scream/creaky voice/glottal fry is produced by the vocal cords vibrating at an irregular rate. For example, instead of the cords moving at 220 cycles per second, every other vibration might be at 110 cycles per second.

That requires a different level of vocal modeling than is available in SynthesizerV or Vocoflex. The initial version of SynthesizerV supported it, but it didn’t sound that great, and you needed to be a speech pathologist to understand how to use it.

It looks like you’ve still got the ability to manually adjust the same parameters that are in SynthesizerV, such as Gender, Tension and Breathiness. So you can still alter the voice however you want - you just can’t use someone else’s voice as the model if they didn’t give you permissions.

There currently is only one video on YouTube, that showcases the usage of Vocoflex. And the author couldn’t find another use than morph between SynthV voices, even though it’s forbidden by dreamtonics (he got a special permission to do so).

So, using SynthV voices in the process looks quite obvious, either as the “main track” that gets effected, or as the timbre model.

All other uses require you to be a pretty good singer, and most of us are not (otherwise we wouldn’t be using SynthV :joy:). And having the chance to alter Gender is already available in countless plugins…

About scream, the issue is that all synthv voices remain completely “clean” when they raise their volume, while a real voice shows signs of vocal cord tightening. I don’t know if synthv voices lack samples of that vocal mode, or where the problem lies. Still, many people are exploring ways to make this more natural, for example Kenta is doing a great job by using Audimee on synthv voices.
I just would have liked to use Vocoflex instead, on synthv voices, but if it’s not permitted, well we’ll have to continue exploring Audimee and other routes.

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I totally understand and respect the rights to use other voices than my own. I’m not. looking to use voices that I don’t have the rights to use. I would think that as I have bought Synth V voices then I have a right to use to use them to blend them with my own voice. We’ll see how it turns out to be.

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Regarding voice samples to use in Vocoflex, can’t you just use samples and loops that are free to use commercially? Like all those from Splice, Loopcloud and many others. Even Apple loops in Logic!
Some sound really great and I believe that the only limitation is that you are not allowed to include them as they are in a new commercial sample library. Maybe there are other limitations and/or restrictions but you can manipulate and change them as much as you want! And various forms of morphing has existed for many, many years so that’s not really new.

Trying to make a voice sound like a well known celebrity does not appeal to me at all. I’d like to create new and unique voices with a personal touch! Maybe by adding a little bit of my own voice! :scream: I sound pretty bad but, who knows, that might turn out to be the secret sauce! :sweat_smile:

Just a thought…

yesterday I applied for the beta version, but nothing came to my inbox. please tell me how to get Vocoflex?

Many of us applied the day it was announced, almost two weeks ago, but afaik no one has been granted access to the beta. It seems that Dreamtonics are initially only targeting influencers with a strong presence on social media. So I suggest you wait unless you have an active Youtube channel with 100k followers! :grinning:

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This would depend on the precise wording of the terms of use. If a sample is licensed for use in music, that doesn’t necessarily mean you can do anything with it, and replicating a voice using AI technologies may fall outside the scope of the terms, even if the end result is used in a musical context.

Additionally, even if it’s not necessarily a legal or licensing issue, I would personally feel a bit uncomfortable using the voice of someone who likely recorded those samples before these sorts of AI technologies existed. I don’t think a vocalist hired to record samples 5 years ago would have had any expectation of their voice being used in this way, even if these days the same person might insist on some sort of non-replication clause in their contract.

Of course, that’s not going to stop the big companies from using those samples to generate more rather than rehiring the vocalists if they can get away with it, so it’s probably also fair to say that independent musicians and hobbyists on the internet are the least of their concerns.

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