[Eleanor Lite] Coitus Between Singing Machine and Synthesizer in C Major

Soundcloud Link for Download

This was originally just going to be something low-effort while I was learning how to use Eleanor on Synth V. I ended up making Krautrock. The audio is NSFW, not Ram Ranch - NSFW, but make sure you are paying attention to who’s around if you’re not wearing headphones.

As far as my thoughts on using Eleanor for the first time, I like the voicebank. Despite having the sampling of a good monopitched Utau, the software gives her a nearly three octave range and a wide array of dynamics. The thing about her I like the most is that no two Eleanor’s will sound exactly alike since everyone will use her and set her up differently. I’m looking forward to seeing the commercial voicebank when it gets done.

Anyway, I had fun making this and I’m glad it’s done so I can move on to something else.

「いいね!」 1