Anyone Using Synthesizer V Studio Pro VST With Ableton?

Hi there,

No I did not get an answer, and so I decided not to purchase Pro for now.

Sorry I cannot be more helpful.

「いいね!」 1

Although after hearing some of the Solaria demos today, and seeing that you can use her voice commercially without any messing about, I might just push the button on Pro. :wink:

「いいね!」 1

All paid voices allow for commercial use and are compatible with the Basic edition of SynthV Studio. Pro edition is not a requirement for commercial use, it just unlocks additional features.

「いいね!」 1

Yes, I am well aware of that, but I would need the Pro version to use the VST in Ableton.

I also meant that the Solaria license allows commerical use, without jumping through lots of stupid hoops, unlike another English voice that is available.

「いいね!」 1

Which English voice does not allows commercial use without jumping through lots of stupid hoops? Eleanor Forte?

Yes - well, from my own personal experience anyway.

I spent the best part of a year emailing them trying to get a straight answer, and to be honest, was more confused by the end of it.

In the end, I think I must have driven them mad with my questions, as they just stopped emailing me back! :crazy_face:

Maybe it was a language/communication problem.

「いいね!」 1

For anyone else interested in this topic, here is a link from the past which confirms that I was not the only one who was left confused…

All paid voices allow commercial use of the voice without jumping through hoops.

This does not mean that you gain commercial rights to the “Solaria” character, such as her image or name. This is the exact same as Eleanor Forte AI.

From eclipsed Sounds regarding Solaria:

Regarding the terms of license, users can use the voice database freely for commercial use, but for the character use, the user should contact Eclipsed Sounds if the profits exceeded $1,000.

The topic you linked was regarding “Eleanor Forte lite”, which does not allow commercial use but had some exceptions due to the long delay in releasing a full product for Eleanor. This complexity is no longer relevant as of the release of Eleanor Forte AI.

「いいね!」 2

Yes I am aware that you cannot use the Solaria character freely.

I am not interested in using the Solaria character, only the voice.

As for Eleanor Forte - if they have cleared up the mess regarding licensing since I last tried to speak to them about it, then great.

Like I already said, there is no “mess”, Eleanor Forte AI has the same terms as Solaria. The restrictions only apply to Eleanor Forte lite, just like every other lite voice.

Like I already said, there was a mess - I should know, as I was the one talking to them, not you.

And as I already said, if that has been sorted out, then great.

My intention was only to make sure people reading the thread in the future do not get the wrong information. If they saw your message and thought that using Eleanor Forte AI required additional effort, they would be misinformed.

Edit: It does seem that as of a few hours ago, shortly after this discussion, Solaria’s terms were updated to no longer contain a “profit threshold” in the way Eleanor’s do, so counter to my above post their terms are no longer the same.

I just get a window with this content when i try to open the plugin in ableton live.

Wondering how i can get it to work?


You’re using the old product from 2018. You can find download information for Syntheszier V Studio in the FAQ.

Keep in mind only the Pro (paid) version has VST support.

I have Synthesizer V Studio Pro 1.9.0b1 installed and not an old Version of 2018. :slight_smile:

The screenshot you posted is the original discontinued software, not Synthesizer V Studio.

If you have both installed, it would be best to remove the original version (“Synthesizer V Editor”).

If the SynthV Studio plugin isn’t showing up in your DAW, you may need to rescan the plugin folder from within Ableton.

「いいね!」 1

Thanks, I have now uninstalled the editor version. Do you know where the vst3 version is saved? I use a manual VST directory on my 2nd hard drive. My system disk is not integrated in Ableton.

Thanks in advanced.

The default install location (on Windows) is C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\synthv-studio-plugin-x64.vst3

「いいね!」 1

You’re an angel! Thank you! Now it works ! :slight_smile:

「いいね!」 1

Hi D4XX :slight_smile:
being using it for 2 months now.
You have my email if you want to talk about it :slight_smile:

BTW: if you go in the SOS7 foundry, you’ll find my track (Howard Jones), it’s all Solaria.

And for who was asking: It works with Ableton Live 11.