‍SynthV「爱莲娜·芙缇 AI」第二波预购开启,可加购限量盒装实体


Synthesizer V 爱莲娜·芙缇 AI (#Eleanor Forte# AI) 第二波预购来啦,本次折扣价:

  • 「爱莲娜·芙缇 AI」:2190 台币(约人民币525元)

  • 「爱莲娜·芙缇 AI + SynthV Studio Pro」捆绑包: 4380 台币(约人民币1050元)

本轮还可加购 300 台币(约人民币72元)的「爱莲娜 AI 限量实体包」,原则上支持邮寄中国大陆~
预购链接:預購優惠 (Pre-order Discount)



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经过询问 Animen 官方,意思是第一波跟第二波客户加购实体包是一样价钱的,就是第二波声库价格比第一波贵一丢丢(|||),所以现在想入盒装实体包的,在出试听前就赶紧去买 (:з)∠),另外 Animen 在中国大陆有仓库,能直接从国内发,放心

Synthesizer V AI Eleanor Forte - Oasis [Vocal Focus | Official Demo]

愛蓮娜.芙緹AI / エレノア フォルテ AI

Synthesizer V AI Eleanor Forte - Oasis [Vocal Focus | Official Demo]

愛蓮娜.芙緹AI / エレノア フォルテ AI

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Synthesizer V AI Eleanor Forte - Oasis [Test Ver. | Official Demo]

愛蓮娜.芙緹AI / エレノア フォルテ AI

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It would be nice if information about English voicebanks could also be posted in English.

Google Translate does a terrible job translating the text, and the part of the text that’s a an graphic can’t be translated at all.

The Artpop demo is very good.

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I may try to post English translations in the future, as I am not a native English speaker, so I will use some translation tools, my personal preference is to use DeepL translator.

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And I appreciate the effort.   :slight_smile:




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Synthesizer V AI Eleanor Forte - A Simple Motion【Short Version | Cover Samples】

愛蓮娜芙緹AI エレノア フォルテ AI

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Synthesizer V Eleanor Forte AI - Artpop (Full ver.) [Official Sample Cover]

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[Synthesizer V Eleanor Forte AI] A Simple Motion (Full ver.) [Official Sample Cover]

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