What is the SIL marker?

Sometimes when I import MIDI from Studio One (I wish SynthV was more comfortable for MIDI editing but alas), I get these funny little markers that are labelled “SIL” and the are between notes. How do I generate them without going through the MIDI import process?

There are Sil markers between discrete notes, and when you swing two notes too close to each other, the editor will specifically indicate where there is a Sil marker.

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@LinR_PN Whenever 2 notes touch for me, they just merge pitches with a slide

wow,大佬,你真的好勤快 :smiley:

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The previous image is a zoomed-in look, and they are actually very short apart:

oooo thanks!

“sil” is short for “silence”. You can also enter it as a phoneme to make a lead-in sound more abrupt or cut off a sound early.


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I have a similar question. Does anyone know how to remove all of the SILs at once? they are really irritating and it’s a pain to go through every single midi file import and have to remove every single SIL one by one. I export MIDI’s from Musescore if that helps at all. Thanks all

You can use 「Modity - Remove Short Silences」 menu to perform a bulk clearance of SIL:

awesome thank you sooooooooooooooo much! At first I didn’t see it but then I updated my software and now I see it. Thank you so much for your help!!

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