Can Accessibility for Blind and Visually-Impaired People be Added? 視覚障害者向けのアクセシビリティは追加できるですか?

I am a huge fan of singing synthesizers, and I’ve had my sights set on this for a few years now. I have always wanted to dive in and make content with this program and others like it, but sadly I’m not able to.
I am legally blind, and I can only see lights and shadows. I use a screen reader to navigate my computer and phone using speech. There are a lot of programs that I can navigate quite well, but sadly, Synthesizer V is not one of them.
I have heard some truly exceptional music being produced with singing software, and I’ve always been eager to jump in and try it out for myself. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a single program that works with a screen reader at all. It is my hope that, by posting on this forum and making people aware of visually impaired fans, we might be able to make this program the first to work with screen reading software. This way, we too will be able to make content for people to enjoy.
If anyone has any questions for me at all, please don’t be afraid to ask. I’m open to questions, testing, or anything else you might need to work on this feature. I would love for this to come into fruition.
Best regards…

「いいね!」 7

I hope Dreamtonics can make this a priority. Thank you for raising this issue.

「いいね!」 5

Vouch for this feature request as well. Especially with recent JUCE framework updates that improve accessbility, implementing in SynthV would be somewhat easier.

「いいね!」 3

I definitely support this! Accessibility in these kinds of programs is another important issue that is not often addressed.

「いいね!」 2