To Dreamtonics please create "70' 80' American , British Rock Vocalist type of software"

Aki AI , Saki AI are good. don’t get me wrong. But when I try to cover 1970-80s British , American Rock music heroes Gembu is too straight so ordinary. We are looking forward to hearing more sexy energetic male vocalist software. Please take a look at our needs. Thanks.

Ozzy or Kip Winger, Lemmie? They’ll need some direction here.
And maybe a Dora Pesch style female eh? :slight_smile:

Ozzy is sexy and identical. He is yes one of candidates. and Steve Perry ,Journey. Freddie from Queen are my wishing lists as well.

The other day I tried to cover “Rock’n Roll All Nite” by KISS, but rather very difficult to simulate male Rocker’s way of shouting and singing by Aki , Saki and Gembu. I really would like Dreamtonics to invent Rock vocalist type of software. At this moment Dreamtnics offer similar cute cartoonishly voice softwares only.

We had a chance when Kanru was stateside.

Currently he must be living in Japan. and the dealer in Japan concentrate on “Kawaii” Cute softwares so you mean less chance?