一些 Synthesizer V 歌声数据库的声音展示 / Some of the Synthesizer V voice database sound demonstrations

我在 Youtube 上传了一些视频,如果有人想仔细比较各种歌声数据库之间的声音,可以通过下面的播放列表进行聆听!
I’ve uploaded some videos on Youtube, so if anyone wants to compare the sounds between the various song databases carefully, you can listen through the playlist below!

Singing in Japanese: 【声库展示】:arrow_forward: 日文试唱《赤とんぼ》【Synthesizer V】 (youtube.com)

Singing in English: 【声库展示】:arrow_forward: 英文试唱《Jingle Bells》【Synthesizer V】 (youtube.com)

Singing in Chinese: 【声库展示】:arrow_forward: 中文试唱《茉莉花》【Synthesizer V】 (youtube.com)

Vocal Mode: 【声库声线展示】:arrow_forward: 试唱《铃儿响叮当》【Synthesizer V】 (youtube.com)

I also made a bonus video for Cheng Xiao, a song that is sung every year during the Lunar New Year!

「いいね!」 3

Ninezero 和夏语遥展示已更新。
Ninezero and Xia Yu Yao showcase has been updated.

Singing in English: 【声库展示】:arrow_forward: 英文试唱《Jingle Bells》【Synthesizer V】 (youtube.com)

Singing in Japanese: 【声库展示】:arrow_forward: 日文试唱《赤とんぼ》【Synthesizer V】 (youtube.com)

Singing in Chinese: 【声库展示】:arrow_forward: 中文试唱《茉莉花》【Synthesizer V】 (youtube.com)

Vocal Mode: 【声库声线展示】:arrow_forward: 试唱《铃儿响叮当》【Synthesizer V】 (youtube.com)

「いいね!」 3