FFXIV - Scream ft. Kevin & Eleanor Forte AI

I have disappeared for another set of months and came out with this. This really tested my mixing and tuning knowledge haha… I hope everyone enjoys this SynthV cover of Scream made by someone who’s too stubborn to give up on this childhood dream hahahah


➛ Original Composition: Masayoshi Soken (https://twitter.com/SOKENsquareenix)
➛ Lyrics: Koji Fox

➛ Instrumentals: GenesisVII (Genesis VII - Music - YouTube)
➛ Mixer: Queen Val (https://twitter.com/queenval_art)
➛ Quality Checker: Revin Leigh (https://twitter.com/revinleigh)

➛ Lavenza L., Rozen S., Just S., Val R., Arngrim L., Erhi D., Arsene L., Rune L.

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