How do I use the syllable timing properties?

I can see in the “Edit Note Properties” box that there is a slider for the syllable onset and coda, with something called a “pow2”, and the nucleus, which just has a number that can be dragged up and down. When I tried to play with it, I could hear no difference. What exactly does it do?

「いいね!」 1

Syllable onset and coda changes the duration of consonant length and Nucleus changes the vowel transition timing.
Like “aaaaaaaaaaay” or “ayyyyyyyyy”.

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So if I want the onset to be longer, what can I set the value of the setting to?

「いいね!」 1

Set it to a positive value.

「いいね!」 1

Thank you so much! I’ve been trying to figure out what the equivalent to VOCALOID’s consonant velocity was, and it seems like syllable onset is exactly what I was looking for. Adding gaps between notes to stress something only goes so far.

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