Synthesizer V AI Ayame and Jin: New Japanese voice databases from Dreamtonics

Dreamtonics has announced two new Japanese voice databases, Ayame and Jin, coming soon.


Synthesizer V AI Aya (native language: Japanese) is a mild, lustrous voice with a pleasant midrange & whispering lows. The transition from chest to falsetto is clear & distinct, meaning Aya is good at melodies fluctuating between both registers.

Synthesizer V AI Jin (native language: Japanese) is a soulful, powerful voice with gritty brightness. Jin holds stability from the lows to mids, never losing distinct characteristics. The voice is good for dance & genres in the spectrum of R&B/funk/soul.


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Aside from my wallet suffering more, I’m a bit worried about Jin since he sounds eerily similar to Ninezero. With Dreamtonics’ other vocals, they all have a different tone to them to make them stand out, but Jin here…I dunno.

Least J is now in the alphabet mafia.

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I love both Aya and Jin! Guess I’ll be adding them in the future〜 :partying_face:

pspsspspspspsp aya come home plz-

Ayame (originally announced as “Aya”) and Jin are now both available from the Dreamtonics Store:

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