Document on SVP json format?

I want to generate svp programmatically, is there any source / SDK for it , or at least a document?
For example how long is a beat, in 64 bit integer ?

There is no documentation about the SVP, but the scripting documentation does specify the internal timing units:

QUARTER :number

Number of blicks in a quarter. The value is 705600000.

We denote musical time (e.g. a quarter, a beat) differently from physical time (e.g. one second). A blick is the smallest unit of musical time that the GUI works with internally. It is a large number chosen to be divisible by a lot of similarly purposed numbers used in music software. The name originates from Flicks.

(source: SV - Synthesizer V Studio Scripting Manual (

Unofficially, you can refer to the UtaFormatix source code. It is a web-based tool that converts project files between different singing synthesizers, and therefore already has code for both reading and writing SVP files:

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The two things that you should do is examine some files using a JSON display tool, such as this:

And read through the Scripting Manual:

As claire stated, note events and durations are specified in terms of blicks. Blicks are always integer values, which is why the value of one blick is so large - 705600000. This avoids having to deal with floating point numbers, which generate rounding errors.

Open an svp file in a text editor such as Notepad++, and then drop it into the online JSON viewer:


Click the Viewer tab and you can see the structure:


Click the disclosure widgets to drill down int the structure:

The Scripting Manual hasn’t been updated in a while, so there’s a lot in the file that’s not been documented. But it will explain most of the structures, as they map directly to classes.

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You might also find my notes useful, though they’re somewhat outdated.

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