Elenoar Forte etc

Hi there I have just tried out Elenoar Forte lite (free) Its not exactly that good but is there a better version if you pay like Solaris etc. and while Im here how can you remove vibrato… at times its overdone I have used the editing parameters like zero depth etc and frequency etc… it helps but could be better
(Even Melodyne cant tame it)
Hope you can help

There is also a free lite version of Solaria which you can download here: SOLARIA | Eclipsed Sounds. There is a pretty big difference between lite versions and their paid counterparts, but that will at least give you more options when trying out the software.

The pitch curve is automatically generated for any notes in “Sing” or “Rap” pitch modes, and will be re-generated each time a note is changed (or if its neighbors change, since that means the transitions have to adapt).

If you want to reduce the vibrato, there is a Vibrato Modulation slider in the Note Properties menu when Sing mode is selected. This is only present in the Pro edition.

You can also try reducing the Expressiveness slider in the AI Retakes panel (also Pro only).

If you only have the Basic edition you’ll have to manually draw a new pitch curve to overwrite the automatically generated one. Remember, Sing mode automatically re-generates the pitch curve after a note is changed, which would mess up your manually drawn curve, so you should set a note to Manual pitch mode if you’re no longer using that automated behavior.

「いいね!」 1

Hi Claire
I have Pro edition and even using the vibrato note properties menu it still is impossible to eliminate the vibrato. I import the rendered vocal file into Melodyne editor and edit the vibrato and other characteristics within Melodyne… its better but however… I guess we have to accept it.
I know have Solaris, quite impressed but still the the vibrato is overdone :roll_eyes:
Ps. Singer Mae came with Synthesizer Pro studio… its pretty good.
The pitch curve is automatically generated for any notes in “Sing” or “Rap” pitch modes, and will be re-generated each time a note is changed (or if its neighbors change, since that means the transitions have to adapt).
That clarifies a few issues :slightly_smiling_face:
Anyway, are there any 3rd party voice banks that are supported by V Pro Studio??
The Dreamtronics voicebanks mainly cater for an Asian market so I in your opinion which female vocalists perform best as English singers.
Thanks for your help.

The vibrato slider will give you less vibrato, not zero vibrato.

If you want to remove the vibrato entirely, follow the last suggestion (set the note to Manual pitch mode and redraw the pitch line). As mentioned, if you don’t want the automatic behavior, turn it off.

「いいね!」 1

Hi again… got it ! :grinning:now all is good… thanks for help much appreciated!