This software is IMPOSSIBLE to use.. Tutorials? A mouse moving across the UI...unhelpful.

I own emvoice and vocaloid, too, and found the basic prodedures in Synthesizer V more easy to handle than in those other plugins. Admittedly, I’ve not yet tried out more complicated things, no embedded scripts, no Ara … But getting a first result was very easy: I played the melody on my keyboard and recorded it as midi file, exported this as GM file, imported this into Synthesizer V. Inserting the lyrics needed some time (but lyrics are basically imported with the Midi file, so you can also add them in your DAW), but after this I got my first song sung by Synthesizer V. It gets time-consuming, though, when you’re working with tempo and measure changes…, for example.

Watch THIS Youtube channel and Synth V becomes relatively easy to learn :wink:

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Before I discovered this fantastic forum, I also had some problems understanding how to use Synth V.
The only official help I found on the Dreamtonics site were the video tutorials, which I was more annoyed than happy about because they had English subtitles, but the screen recordings only showed the Japanese GUI, making it difficult to use the commands with the English display language.
In addition, in my opinion, the videos run too quickly for a beginner.

The fact that I haven’t lost my patience is simply due to the amazing quality and naturalness of the Synth V voices, which I never achieved with Vocaloid 4.5.

Then, as I said, I found this forum and also the unofficial operating manual :+1:, and from then on everything was easy.
Armed with this knowledge, you can quickly learn the right workflow.

I have now bought 5 Voices and am very happy with them.

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… is more than embarrassing from an international point of view.

Why the hell don’t they at least make the unofficial manual an official one?!

We’d then run the risk of losing the guidance of the fantastic @claire (who I am sure is an AI bot created by dreamtonics to show us the light cos no-one can respond as quickly as she does at all hours of the day and find time to eat and sleep) :wink:

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Dreamtonics should hire her :wink:

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