[PR]2024 Vocaloid Bar Virtual Singer Tuning Contest

This is a promotion post for 2024 Vocaloid Bar Virtual Singer Tuning Contest.
This contest is held by me in China from about 10 years ago. Last year this contest received 329 works, with 119 of the language of them are not in Chinese language, so this time I try to advertise this event here to see if someone in other countries might be interested.

The basic rule of this contest is “post works anonymously and vote by contestants each other”.
Similar to “無色透明祭/mushokutomeisai” in Japan, we collect the original or cover virtual singer audio works, and then we make it into video and post them on Bilibili together without mentioning the author, engine and singer of the works.
After we post the works, contestants who successfully joined the contest can vote for the works. The rank will be cauculated by contestant voting(max. 100pts) and audience voting(max. 21pts).

Work collecting will open at 2024.01.20-2024.02.12, and vote at 2024.02.21-2024.02.25

English rulebook: Baidu Vocaloid Bar-Virtual Singer Tuning Contest Rulebook

Discord Server: VBVSTC - Vocaloid Bar Virtual Singer Tuning Contest

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This contest is sponsored by Dreamtonics, Timedomain and Bilibili Music Category. They will provide judges who can give suggestions for works. The judges will also give a rank for works but this rank don’t affect the vote rank mentioned before.
(Thanks for pinning this post!)

日本語ルール:百度 VOCALOID バー - バーチャルシンガー調声大会規則書
中文规则: 2024 · Vocaloid吧调音大赛比赛说明 - 哔哩哔哩

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Rule Introducing Promotion Video(Chinese)/ルール紹介動画(中国語)/规则介绍视频(中文)

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