Crying Out - (Original Alt Rock Song) Natalie

Background vocals with Natalie, Solaria Lite, and Mai. (up to 4 parts)
Produced in Logic Pro -
(I wrote and played all the parts except the shredding guitar solo which was Apple Loops)
The more familiar I get with Logic and Synth V (new to both) the better things are turning out!

「いいね!」 3

Cool song. :+1:

「いいね!」 1

Thanks so much for the nice feedback! :slight_smile:

「いいね!」 1

A very nice song, well-done music and vocals. The ending seems a bit abrupt though. I just had a couple of thoughts. Several places, most noticeable to me in the choruses, the vocals seemed unnaturally tied to a strict rhythm to match the beats and vocal melody. For example the lines “The silent voice within me” and “grasping on so tightly”. I felt like a real singer might loosen up the timing to emphasize the lyrics better. For instance “grasping on soooo tightly”, stretching out “so” to break with the underlying note length. That sort of thing humanizes the Synth voices to me. Only other thing was the guitar lead seemed at times out of key. I know you said it came from am Apple Loop, so maybe you don’t have control that much. But more than once it sounded to my ear like the guitarist was hitting odd notes. All that said, for someone “not familiar” with the tools, a very good song!

「いいね!」 1

Thanks so much Keith! I appreciate your detailed comments.

To respond to some points -
The cut off ending was intentional. I even recorded a Master automation part to shut off all sound (reverb etc.). It’s intended to be a shock coming out of a droning sort of section. I was almost going to use several bars of backmasking to lead into the cut - to empathize it even more, but got lazy. haha

I totally agree on the rigid areas of the vocal. I was feeling it too and struggled with this a bit so will likely eventually revisit and probably create looser, run type lines. I just needed to finish for now/put it away for a break and come back and re-evaluate.

The lead guitar at the end was indeed limited to the key Apple Loops had available. I am only a very basic guitarist so without an accomplished player (and wanting that vibe) I decided to try those canned parts even though they sounded slightly odd. Strange thing - the more I listened, the more I liked them even though there’s some dissonance… it kind of fits the vibe I envisioned. Years ago I could play my Oberheim synth through a Rockman and get a great lead guitar sound on keyboards. Still searching for a modern equivalent. All the other guitar parts in my Synth V songs so far are in Logic on keys, and work pretty well I have a Guild Starfire and Boss Pocket GT on hand for parts I’m able to play in future songs. TBD :guitar:

Nice song. And nice to hear musicians actually playing parts. A suggestion to help make vocals flow around beats naturally is to sing the song yourself out loud (even badly) and feel how a real singer might hold a note longer or compress some words in places. This is what adds the reality - and it really only works if you sing out loud (not just in your head :wink: ). It shows you where breaths are too. And if you haven’t - next time you might look at pitch correction software to manipulate a lead guitar loop, to move it from Major to Minor or the like.

Nice work on this.