Announcing Synthesizer V Studio User Manual / Synthesizer V Studio 官方用户手册正式上线 / Synthesizer V Studio公式ユーザーマニュアルページの設置


Dreamtonics announces the official user manual for Synthesizer V Studio, covering all features up to version 1.11.0.

This manual is accessible in English, Japanese and Chinese, and is organized into sections for Basic Usage, Advanced Usage and Special Topics, catering to users across all levels of expertise.

Dreamtonics is fully committed to address the community’s request for comprehensive support resources, enhancing user experience with detailed guidance on utilizing Synthesizer V Studio to its full potential.


Dreamtonics 宣布,Synthesizer V Studio 官方用户手册现已伴随 1.11.0 正式版同步上线。

用户手册涵盖了 Synthesizer V Studio 至 1.11.0 版本的全部功能,分为基础用法、高级用法、功能专题三个部分,提供中文、英文、日文三语版本,广泛适用于不同专业等级的软件用户。

Dreamtonics 全力致力于满足用户社区对支持资源的广泛需求,希望通过发布官方手册的形式,引导用户深入体验 Synthesizer V Studio 的各项功能,不断增强用户的使用体验。未来,Dreamtonics 将持续关注用户需求,持续提供更加全面的软件使用资源。


ウェブサイト内に、Synthesizer V Studio公式ユーザーマニュアルのページを設置いたしました。


Synthesizer V の基本的な操作方法から、よりハイレベルな使用方法、使い方のヒントなどで構成されています。

Synthesizer V Studio の機能を最大限に活用するために、本マニュアルも合わせてご活用ください。

「いいね!」 9

Thanks be to Claire for all the work on the wonderful unofficial manual while we waited for Dreamtonics.

「いいね!」 7

Agreed. Without the Unofficial Manual, I would still be using the free version.

「いいね!」 1

it seems like there are some essential parts missing from the new official user guide. for instance, i was looking for the lyric entries to see the + / - / ’ / br etc definitions. but could not find anything like this: Entering Lyrics - Synthesizer V Studio Unofficial User Manual and doing a search for lyric / lyrics / enter produced not found.

it may be the quick start section on the new manual needs a bit more love (like claire has done for everyone in her unofficial guide)

It looks like information about lyric entry is part of the Piano Roll page:

「いいね!」 1

thanks! weird it didn’t show up in search.