ARA did not install


I installed the latest update yesterday but the ARA part did not install (I have the pro version) I don’t seem to able to find the installer again. any ideas?

Thanks. John

Go to click on MyAccount, log in, and then click on Orders and be happy :wink:

There you will find the download link for 1.11.0, when clicking on View.

Hi Aymara,

Thank you for the reply but I’m afraid that does not work. I think it is because I did download 1.11.0 and it installed but without the ARA component.

Thank you for trying


I guess you downloaded out of Synth V’s update function?

Just redownload from the shop and reinstall again. That should work. If not, contact Dreamtonics support.

Windows or Mac? Which OS version? And especially, which DAW? ARA is not supported by every Daw!

Hi, yeah I’ve contacted support.

I’m on Windows 10 64 bit and I use cakewalk - soon to be Sonar - which has one of the best ara integrations.

Again thanks for the input.


Did you try downloading the installer from the shop and running the installation a second time?

I wish it was as easy as that but for whatever reason it just won’t download. Seems I’m stuck as is but I do have a work around so not the end of the world. Hopefully I’ll get ARA working at the next update.


Dreamtonics need to make sure, that you can download and reinstall right NOW!

And on Windows you should be able to uninstall and reinstall to get EVERYTHING working.

Keep in touch with the support team.

I have managed to download the installer and fixed the issue. Thanks for the support.


「いいね!」 1

just a note on this:

for some reason, on Windows at least, if you run the update via the SynthV standalone app, it doesn’t install the ARA correctly (at least not for me when i did it via the update). if you download it from the web site (or you find the installer already on your machine), then run it, it works. not sure if somehow registry entries aren’t made correctly via the updater? the plugin was in the VST3 folder, but only after i re-ran the installer directly did it show up correctly in my plugins list (an ARA one and a separate instrument one – as expected).

That is exactly my experience. I updated through the stand alone version and the ARA did not install at all. I then had a lot of problems reinstalling it .

But it’s good now and although I’ve only played with ARA part of plug-in I’m impressed so far.


Thankfully, that doesn’t happen on macOS. I ran the update through the Standalone App, but after the download finished, I closed the app and then the installation went flawlessly and completely.

「いいね!」 1

what should happen with ARA integration?
i have sonar and just upgraded to latest 1.11 but i did not have enough time to fiddle with it.
In sonar I can right clip an audio clip and open Melodyne, but i see no content-related option for synthV.
However, i can just drag/drop an audio clip from sonar track to synthV VST plugin and then do the note recognition.
do i miss something?

If the ARA part of the install has worked then when you right click on a clip you should see synth v as an option in regional fx. If you’re not seeing that then you need to reinstall.


I understand. maybe i have to something in cakewalk to let it see the ARA function of synthV? i remember i did not anything special with Melodyne…

Run the VST scan in Cakewalk if you still don’t see it it’s not there and you need to reinstall.

One thought - does the track you are trying to use synth v on already have Melodyne on it? If so maybe you need to either remove or render Melodyne before you load synth v.

「いいね!」 2

the ARA plugin should appear as a region FX in Sonar (or Cakewalk like i’m using). you do need to ensure you installed it from the standalone installer, and then re-scan VST for the plugin).

as slipkid noted - render or remove melodyne before trying to create a region FX with SynthV.

I rescanned the plugins, the ARA plugin appeared in the list, i also added it as a FX (not know if necessary), but now wi can select it exactly as Melodyne, right click on an audio track