Vocal modes question

I wanted to understand how many vocal modes can exist in the software

is this based on What is the Complete Vocal Technique? | Complete Vocal Technique Training in the UK ?

The four vocal modes
The use of the voice can be divided into four vocal modes: Neutral, Curbing, Overdrive and Edge (formerly ‘Belting’).

is this what is being used to create the vocal modes within the software? i am trying to understand how many vocal modes can exist…

Vocal modes are just different styles that existed within the original recordings used to make the voice database.

For example, when creating Saros, Eclipsed Sounds likely directed the voice provider to record some soft samples, some powerful ones, some with falsetto, etc.

They then tagged the different segments with the appropriate labels during development so that the synthesis engine can reproduce them on demand.

It has nothing to do with formal definitions of UK vocal techniques.

As for “how many can exist”, the labels are arbitrary. The name of a vocal mode is whatever adjective the developer decided to use to describe that style.
