Voice Muted/Wavelengths Missing

Hello, I hope I posted this in the correct area. I have searched the forums for similar problems but none quite seem to be correct.

I am a novice trying to make a song for personal use and I ran into this problem:

One voice is muted (not because of the mute button), and the wave lengths are missing from the boxes in the timeline. How do I reverse this?

Thank you and God bless.

Sounds to me like you have overlapping notes. A single voice track may only produce one note at a time, if they cross, both will be grayed-out. Separate them (they can touch, but not overlap.) See if that’s your issue.

「いいね!」 1

Thank you, friend. I can, however, confirm that there is no overlapping.

Do you think it could be that a button was checked or unchecked in the settings?

UPDATE: I misunderstood what you meant by ‘overlap’ but I did indeed have some lines stacked onto of each other.

Thank you so much, friend! God bless you!

Sorry, that one idea was all that made sense to me. If you post a screen shot, perhaps our resident genius Claire can help.

「いいね!」 1

thank you for responding so quickly. After a moment of thought, I realized what you meant and it was indeed the case of the problem and it is now resolved. Thank you very much for your help. :slight_smile:

No offense to Claire but today YOU are the resident genius. :smiley:

While I have you… on the song there is one repeating word that is always greyed out. I deleted just one of them and tried to add it back in and it won’t let me add any more notes.

Why is it greyed out and why can’t I add anymore notes?

Thank you.

That’s very sweet, but I am still VERY much a beginner - just spent a lot of time with similar workspaces. Claire really IS the expert.
And that sounds like an issue that also we would need to see a screenshot - but first (now that’s it’s probably way too late) my approach to something like that so I don’t lose what DID work - save to a new file BEFORE you mess with it (I just call it ‘temp’/)
Now you can break it and it won’t matter. Also try closing down and relaunching, or even a full reboot.

「いいね!」 1

Ha-ha, aww, well, thank you! Your advice really helped, you’re more advanced than I am! Thank you again, very much for your help. I would have never figured that out and probably wasted a lot of time starting from scratch. I also did as you said and made a back-up. Good idea!

God bless, friend! Have a great weekend!

「いいね!」 1

And you. Make some great music…