Ace Studio just got the Ability to clone voices.

Ive bee asking for this feature for synth V for the longest now and of course Ace Studio just got it cause they copied my Idea. They’ve just released the ability to clone your singers voice. We need to make this happen for Synth V right away.

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Guess you got what you wanted… in a way.
It’s not exactly SynthV, but made by the same developers (Dreamtonics) as SynthV.

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… but it can be combined with SynthV as shown in the demo video on the Dreamtonics’ website.

Very interesting, because that would allow us, to modify the existing SynthV voices, e.g. to give Hayden a Rock instead of a boygroup character :wink:

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Yep, I’m sure that’s how it happened. :laughing:

I’m not sure how “we” can make it happen.

It costs $300USD to create a cloned voice in Ace Studio, on top of needing to have an Ace Studio subscription. So it’s not exactly cheap.

I suspect that market pressures will force Dreamtonics to eventually release a voice cloning feature.

SynthesizerV has their own process of creating voices, and it’s not voice cloning. I have no doubt they could do voice cloning, but they’re a relatively small company. Working on yet another product would spread already thin resources even thinner.

One of the problems with voice cloning is maintaining a level of quality.

By its nature, a cloned voice isn’t going to be as high quality as a commercial voice.

Since a customer can’t hear the cloned voice until after they’ve paid for it, how do you handle issues if the end result is bad? It’s not like it would be Dreamtonics’ fault if the quality of the training material was poor or incomplete.

Another issue is preventing people from using the cloned voices to compete with existing commercial voices. Locking a cloned voice to a license (as is done with commercial voices) is an obvious step.

The other issue is liability. Processing of cloned voices would likely take place on Dreamtonics’ computers, if only to prevent someone from trying to disassemble the source code. That likely creates liability on their part if they create an unauthorized voice.

Vocoflex avoids a lot of these issues, and I think it’s a smart middleground for Dreamtonics to have chosen… for now. How well it works remains to be seen. And since it’s currently in beta, I’m sure we’ll all find out soon.

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