Invincible, all voices Saros converted in Audimee

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Audimee works wonders for your songs with Saros, which apparently pleases you and me. But I don’t have such a good experience with Audimee. They have good results for the male tenor. It’s worse with my the bass voice - my singing or with Asterian. I take into account that our bass singing is only a marginal issue, so the options that Audimee offers for tenors no longer offer for us bass voices. I’m a little envious of tenors, but not too much, because I’m a wisher. And Kent - I always enjoy listening to your Audimee-edited songs.

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Thanks :heart_eyes::pray:t3: maybe you havent tried the right voices in Audimee?.. I think some of them might work?.. I use to mix Blake and Ragnars voices…i also made a voicebank with a friends voice, it works very well. But im more into tenor voices :roll_eyes:

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Yes, I used Blake with about two exceptions. And I know the reason why I can’t use it for me and Asterian. I even approached Celemony (Melodyne) and Moises (he can separate the lead vocal from the back vocal) to give them free samples of my voice and point out that my voice is sometimes not evaluated by their algorithm good. In all fairness, they replied that they did not need my samples at the moment, but they had passed my information on to their development. It was clear to me that they know about the problem and have known before, but they are not solving it yet and will not solve it for a long time. Research and development is focused on vocals, which are common and most used, and deep bass is not. And by the time development stagnates, they might start to deal with it. I quite understand them in that, and that’s why I won’t address Audimee either. Audimee I take it is completely professional. And now I will briefly explain what the problem is. The deeper bass is operated by a different technique than the bass in the normal and higher position. This technique is used by: Eric Hollaway (sung by Asterian), Geoff Castelluci, Tim Foust and Avi Kaplan and more. It is the Growl technique in a bass version, and some not very deep notes are interchangeable for the human ear with notes sung with a normal technique using normal vocal tones. However, it can be sung using fake vocal tones and this technique is used by “Metal” singers and they don’t have to sing deep notes. Even this technique can be used in high positions and women also use this technique. What is the difference, when sometimes even the human ear cannot recognize it. The Growl technique does not produce a continuous tone like singing with normal vocal cords. And that tends to be a problem for the software, which recognizes the discontinuous tone from the continuous tone. This software has a set recognition algorithm for continuous tones and will evaluate discontinuous tones with unexpected results. Because I know about it, I am reconciled to it and adapt my work to the given situation.

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Wow thanks, it is in deed complicated :scream:

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Hey Kenta. This is the first time I have heard of Audimee. I checked out the website. What exactly are you doing with it?

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You can convert any Voice to the voices on Audimee…or mix voices and so on… Check the website :blush::+1:t3:

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