Vocal Mode Parameter Is Out Of Range, Not Accessible


I am learning to use this wonderful product. Just ran into a problem that I couldn’t find anyone talking about. I have an issue with the vocal mode parameters. These line are stuck at the bottom of the panel which makes them unaccessible. The other parameter lines, for example, loudness, vibrato, are in the middle of the panel that you can access, not the vocal mode parameter lines. The 2x, 4x features are not available with the vocal mode parameters.

Thank you very much for your valuable input.

you might be using a voice that does not support vocal modes? or you did not select the EDIT for vocal modes and are only DISPLAYing it?

I am using a voice (solaria paid version, I am using Mac) that supports vocal modes. I am in the Edit window. When I click the Edit window, two columns appear. On the left is the Base Parameters that include vibrato, loudness etc, on the right is the Vocal Modes. When I click one of the parameters on the left column, a line appears in the middle of the panel and I can edit it. But when I click one of the vocal modes from the right column, a line appears on the very bottom of the panel, thus you can’t edit. It is in the edit mode, not display mode. Thanks a lot for your message.

if (using the pencil tool) simply draw a line, it doesn’t create and then show the curve?

I think I got it. Yes, the pencil works.
I know now why the lines are stuck in the very bottom of the panel. It is because the vocal modes in the Voice are set to zero. To solve this problem, go to Voice, move the slider to the right, now you can see the corresponding vocal mode parameter go up.
Thanks again for your message.

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