How To Make Voices Sound More Mature?


I bought Solaria. It is really good. But it sounds to me like a teenager. The gender or any other vocal modes don’t help much. I am looking to make the voices sound more mature or darker. Then I bought the more mature one - Weina. It does sound more mature. But I’d like it sound more mature. I tried all the vocal modes, played them to extreme. Still not satisfied.

Any one who knows a trick or two?

i like to reduce tension a bit (start around -0.100), breathiness (around -0.500) and bring gender up (0.150 - 0.200), and then check the note selection - sometimes inverting the note selection down and using the loudness slider to bring the level back up helps.

「いいね!」 1

I will try it out later on and let you know.

Thanks a lot

Yes, my friend, it help a lot. I am still trying different things. If I hit something really good. I will keep you posted.

Hi, I have Solaria too (she is indeed really good), and I can understand what you mean about maturity, although I would say I HAVE managed to combine the parameters by trial and error to make her sound a little more mature, but I don’t know how ‘old’ you are aiming for. Emma Rowley (who provided her voicing) must be in her 30s[?] and that’s old enough for me. I don’t know how much adjustment you’ve been making, but I would suggest persevering with small increments of combinations, maybe dropping the pitch and taking any harshness off. If you are using the Beta versions, the ability to adopt the style of a sung vocal helps a lot, depending upon who she is articulating. Other than that, if you are not using the pro version, the basic model is less flexible overall…hope this helps…k


Thanks for the message.

When I first heard of Synthesizer V, I was skeptical. I came across a gig on Fiverr that uses SV to sing songs. I asked the seller to give a demo. The linked file is the demo he gave me. I was blown away and bought SV and Solaria. I bought Solaria not because he told me. I bought it because everyone was saying it was the best. Since then, I just can’t make Solaria sound like that voice. I went back to ask what voice he used. He told me he used Solaria with 70% softness and some dark voice. I don’t know what he meant by dark voice. The 70% softness does not make Solaria sound like the demo. But I don’t want to ask him more questions since he is doing this for a living. Then I thought he may have used another voice. So I bought Weina. Still, can’t make it sound like the demo.

If you worry about if the link is safe, please use google virus total to test the link first.

I suspect by “dark voice” he was referring to “gender.” Making it more masculine definitely “matures” a voice… AND there is all the post-processing that may be added to the mix: multi-band compression. phase alignment etc.
Have you tried extracting the voice from the sample and analyzing it independently? Might shed some light on what is different.
Good luck with it.

No. I haven’t extracted the voice. I don’t know how to do that. Post-processing may have done the trick. Thanks

Extracting vocals from pop songs is a very popular pastime for SV, so probably there are better solutions (everybody sing along.and chime in.) I have used Audacity, a free DAW app, it’s simple. And now a lot of DAWs are offering it (I use Mixcraft, the latest update included it. Useful for certain processes, don’t expect perfection.

I will look into in. Thanks for the tips.

I don’t know if that will be of any use to you, I mainly use it to increase the volume of our lead singer in videos of a ten-piece band with her 20-watt Boss monitor speaker in the back.
Separate and add back in till you hear the artifacts… But that’s me. Make great music…

Thanks. You too.

Hi again. I have listened to the file you posted - it is quite smooth - and I hesitate to say it, but it doesn’t seem particularly more ‘mature’ than anything I regularly get from Solaria, so I can’t imagine what you are ‘not’ doing so as not to be able to achieve something similar. Have you taken her out to lunch yet? But, seriously, applying suitable reverb makes a difference and perhaps doing different versions and then ‘multi-tracking’ them to blend together can help thicken the sound. I’ve found it best not to use identical passes stacked together as (even with pitches changed), this begins to sound robotic as every nuance changes together. Also load up each new pass separately as ‘cloning’ seems to copy any edits to all versions (which is a bit odd and may be a glitch this end??)…regards k

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Wow, That’s a surprise. I really want to know what I am not doing. I don’t know. Maybe reverb? I will try. That is a beautiful sound. You have to agree.

Ok. This is what we can do. You probably get what you get by giving different values to the vocal modes which are Clean, Soft, Airy, Power, Passionate, Solid, Light. Could you please tell me what values you are using?

Hi, over the time, I have saved various combinations of parameters to give different Solaria characters (both male and female) - I guess I’m still searching for the right sound myself. I don’t have any of it on this internet PC as my studio PC doesn’t go online, but I will see if I can find where the files are kept and, if it is possible, to send some options. Failing that, I could just read you out some settings…soon…but, yes, reverb is all part of the battle…regards k

Thanks a lot. If too much trouble,forget about it. I am also trying on my own. I am mainly using Weina now. I think the following can make the sound more interesting. Raise the Tender and Warm to max which is 150. It sounds richer, to me.

I have not been able to locate the path to the saved Solaria files but, looking at them, they are really not all that remarkable. I have sent some example parameters (one is a light rock male). However, as much as the settings work in relationship with each other (and determining which parameter to alter in conjunction with which others to get the desired tonal effect is quite daunting), in my experience the sense of ‘maturity’ is also impacted by whether you use the ‘out-of-the-box’ voice drawn directly onto the piano roll or one that has been ‘extracted’ from the (vibrato and phrasing) qualities of an existing singer (as is available with Pro Beta), and so using my same parameters within a different song ‘might’ not quite sound the same at all.

From some time I spent MAXing the parameters whilst replaying a 3-note rise hand drawn onto the piano roll, I got these following (subjective) results:

If you max out both Clear and Airy, you get a smoothness than even Soft doesn’t give but without the breathier aspects of airy alone.
Soft plus Clear sounds similar to Airy plus Clear.
Clear on its own is harsher, whilst adding Light drops the treble back.
Soft plus Solid sounds like Soft plus light to me.
Tension plus Clear makes little difference but removing all Tension does go quieter and bringing in Soft does bring some smoothness.
Max Airy plus Breathiness sounds little different with or without Tension.
Tonally, there is more energy with Tone shift on full than fully off and works with little difference with Tension off or on.
Solid does work with Tension and Tone Shift (making it louder and brighter).
Of course, Loudness adds or removes volume to everything.
Clear plus Passionate has a harshness that is lessened by removing Tension but adding Tone Shift brightens or removing it dulls it more.
Adding Soft to CLear and Passionate is louder than Clear and Passionate together, with tension making little difference either way and Tone Shift adds in volume.
Adding Passionate to Power seems to lower the volume but maintains the tone.
Passionate alone is softer and duller than Passionate plus Power but Power alone is louder and brighter than them both together.

Wild shifts in gender muffles the sound in either direction - but from chipmonks to nasal man. Again, Tone Shift quietens it all down.

Not forgetting the significance of where a voice sits in the mix and what reverb and fx you have applied…
example set1:
soft 40%
airy 70%
loudness -2.30 db
tenson 0.025
breathiness 0.585
all other seetings left zeroed

example set2:
airy 10%
power 25%
passionate 100%
loudness 0.45db
tension 0.285
breathiness 0.130
all other seetings left zeroed

example set3 [male]:
clear 100%
soft 90%
airy 150%
power 70%
passionate 80%
solid 55%
light 100%
loudness 6db
tension 0.050
gender 0.475
tone shift 238 cents

I hope this is of some use to someone…k

「いいね!」 3

thank you very much. I will check them out once I get home.

Hi, I tried them out. The breathiness’s impact is really big. IT IS a daunting task to single out a few sets of values that work for your current project. I found it useful to make more use of Passionate instead of Power. Passionate produces loudness AND smooth note transition while Power does not. Thanks a lot for your valuable input.