Broken dreams, Solaria converted in Audimee

「いいね!」 7

Very nice voice with Audimee! Nice job! The choirs are good too! :+1:

「いいね!」 1

Thank you so much :heart_eyes::pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:

nicely done!

  • one observation on the main vocal and de-essing - in a number of words it sounds like there might be too much de-essing and there is a very slight lisp.
「いいね!」 1

You are right :blush::+1:t3: there is a lot :roll_eyes: and there is also an annoying sound :woozy_face: hmm i might do a remix… :thinking:… Or a new song :blush: thanks for noticing :pray:t3:

「いいね!」 1

yeah, de-essing (de-mouth - noise. clicks, pops, t’sss etc) is a balancing act. i usually start with trying to suppress strongs ones in the Synth V source, then Melodyne to do things and also reduce sibilance a bit, then clip gain envelopes in the DAW on the stronger ones, and then a light touch of de-esser, possibly some dynamic EQ, etc. getting about 1db each time. generally keeps things more natural. RX and Acon are booth really good for other noises, and Wave Clarity VX is also decent in some use cases.

「いいね!」 1

I use nectar 4…it is usually very good…but i guess my ears was tired :joy:

the challenge in the attenuation of sibilance is that it’s easy to over do with plugins, and after adjusting for a while you do get fatigued. hence the reason i approach it in small increments and only parts where it’s obvious before applying the de-esser plugin. any number of times i found (after publishing something) that the singer sounded like they had a lisp… all i ended up having to do was to reduce the attenuation just a few db at most to restore it.

one of the nice things with Synth V is the ability to export the aspiration components separately and do the “de-essing” etc on that before merging it back (i have not used it to date but i have a couple of projects in the works where i will definitely try that technique hoping that it makes the overall process “cleaner”).

「いいね!」 2

Yes you are absolutely right :blush:… My problem is that i want to go on to the next song before i’m done :joy: … Its just that i love the creativity …not the other parts :roll_eyes::joy:

「いいね!」 1

i hear ya. i have two projects i need to go back and tweak because after listening for a few weeks now i think i need to tweak things before putting them to rest. meanwhile i have six other projects in various states - four have the music and arrrangement and rough vocals done, two need to get into the DAW and get rough vocals… yeah, the final mix and mastering (for me) are the easier parts, but i’m really liking the ability to have a “pro” singer available that i can “teach” the song to, and on-demand! i’m also really liking your work on using audimee to create truly human sounding performances. so that will also be on a couple of my newer projects as i finish the vocals.

「いいね!」 1

Yes it is amazing not having to wait for a singer to show up in a few weeks or so… And audimee makes it even better i think :slight_smile: … i just uploaded a new song With Solaria “Makeup and Tattoos” where i mixed a male and a female voice with Solaria … as i try and learn i hope it gets even better :slight_smile:
Good luck with the projects :+1: :pray: :pray: :pray: