Natalie and Ritchy do Lord Byron!

Lyrics: Lord Byron
Background: Maybel prod
Melody: Arboris
Voices: Natalie, Ritchie (SynthV)
Production: Glen Cram

If George Gordon, Lord Byron, were alive today, he would certainly have recorded this in a heavy metal vein. In fact several bands have attempted this, mostly badly, though this one (from whom I have stolen the melody) is pretty good. But the Eurodance style fits too!

Byron wrote at a time before archaeology had revealed the true history of the Assyrian Empire, so relied on the Biblical account for this tale. According to that account, the Assyrian ruler Sennerachib tried to beseige the city of Jerusalem under King Hezekiah, but the Hebrew God sent an angel to utterly destroy the invading army. Later discoveries have revealed that Sennerachib was not in fact defeated; in fact, Hezekiah submitted to him. Still, it makes for a good poem.

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