[Solaria original] Infectious Aggressions

This is my first attempt working with Synthesizer V. It was super fun to experiment with it.

「いいね!」 4

While the track isn’t my cup of tea I enjoyed listening as it has some very unique parts/techniques.

IMO the drums - kick, snare, stick are all really hot (overbearing) in the mix. I’m listening only on multi-media speakers - and maybe that’s your goal - YMMV.

Thanks for listening and for commenting! I’m very new to mixing so I’m not surprised it’s not translating very well to your speakers. I wanted the drums to be loud, but probably went too far with it…

Fun to hear some interesting experimentation with Solaria! Not my usual groove, but the overall sound and effect kept me listening. Mix sounded Ok to me, listening through some decent headphones.