Pronunciation Problem Megathread / 発音問題のまとめ / 发音问题汇总贴

I have just checked my cmudict-07b.txt and there is no facade word:

fabrics f ae b r ih k s
faced f ey s t

There is 17177 entries.

And, of course, Maki eng says f ax k ey d

Both Pro and Basic the same.
The one from here lists facade though

It is much longer but doesn’t function because of capitalization. (probably).
I’m going to change it to lowercase.

Capitalization, brackets and the numbers in between haha
I hope it works for you

Downloaded, changed to lowercase and now it is f ax s aa d

Should I send the file here? Is it okay?

would be very helpful! (801.8 KB)

It belongs to …/Synthesizer V Studio Pro/clf-data/
(rather backup previous file)

And there is also wind both versions:
wind w ay1 n d
wind(1) w ih1 n d

But if I write wind(1) into synthv it finds only wind.
Numbers after phonemes ay1 are droped. At least.

「いいね!」 1

Thank you that fixed it for me!

Thank you @dcuny as well

Thanks to @dcuny - we wouldn’t know it exists and where.

「いいね!」 1


「いいね!」 1

问题反馈.zip (71.7 KB)

Eleanor (AI) puts an odd result for the word “losing” (‘to lose a video game, to lose your keys’). the word “lose” alone comes out as [ l uw z ] as it should (and “loose” as [ l uw s ]) but if i type “losing” i get… [ l ow z ih ng ]? like the word “low”. and the correct input is given with the word “loosing”, with “uw” and now “ow”. by definition these words are not the same (i dont think i even know how loosing works in a sentence?) so i dont know whats going on there. i have been inputting ‘loosing’ for now buts it kind of annoying.

You can add an entry to the dictionary for the desired phoneme mapping.

「いいね!」 1

I found that neither Eleanor nor Anri can pronounce the word “snow”
The /s/ sound is just not audible or is really short. Changing the duration and strength of the individual vowels didn’t help. Any suggestions?

Usually, I’d suggest to use a /z/ and devoice it, but Anri can’t say /z n ow/, either. :sob:

Try .sil s n ow to force the /s/.It should work for both of them.

hmm, I tried but it sounds the same for me :frowning:
However, it seems to work if /s/ is connected to another note that ends with a vowel

Thank you for he suggestion though!



The current dictionary has the word aight as ey t, when it’s most commonly pronounced as ay t.

Found no cmu entry for the word “stories” so it comes out as /s t r iy z/
However “storeys” sounds similar than “stories” and both /s t ow r iy z/ or /s t ao r iy z/ work