Interlingual(Cross-Language) user dictionaries / 跨语种用户字典 by slidingwall

I made some user dictionaries in order to let single-language voicebank to pronounce other languages. Since there’s already have Chinese-to-Japanese user dictionaries, I made other five. It may have bugs, so I uploaded it on GitHub that it can be convenient to fix it. It may not suit for all voicebanks, but it sure decreased a bunch of work. Hope it will help you. If you want to feedback bugs, connect me through email or PM on Bilibili. Those links are already on GitHub.


P.S.: Those demo videos are created when the dictionary still in early versions. Demo audio on GitHub Pages may more close to the latest version.

注:示例视频是在字典仍在早期版本时创建的,Github Pages上的示例音频可能更接近最新版本的用户字典。


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12/23 Update:
Added Chinese2Korean, Japanese2Korean & English2Korean Dictionaries.
Fix some bugs in other dictionaries.
12/23 更新:
Note: I can’t speak Korean exactly, so please forgive me if it pronounces very weird.

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Can you added tagalog dictionaries

hmm i will try if it‘s not too difficult

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