First Italian Dictionary

FYI: Eclipsed Sounds have released an italian dict as well. From their newsletter:

Two new dictionaries that facilitate usage of ASTERIAN and SOLARIA in two additional languages: German and Italian (using English phonetics) - these were created programmatically and so will not be perfect in every circumstance, but should be a good base to build off of for non-supported language usage in these two languages.

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Yes I know, I talked with them about this. Their Dict can also be used with similar results. Their one is “programmatically generated”, mine is generated by me word after word and does growe song by song becoming an huge thing one day… :sweat_smile:

FYI: The word “te” is wrong in the Eclipsed Sounds dictionary for Italian: instead of “t eh t eh” it should be “t eh”.

Do they provide it with the purchase?

Yes, they are bonus files for customers of ASTERIAN and/or SOLARIA.

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and then you’ve to be careful how you use some words, i.e. for some singers is good to have “t eh” with the english “singing language” for other is good to have " t e " with the Japanese “singing language” . It’s what you encounter in my dicts… Kevin needs “ow” for “o”, Asterian instead needs “ao” for a much better italian pronounciation… It’s something I’m experimenting for long time now… :wink:

Anyway there is no point as “mine is better than their” or viceversa.
You can give both dicts a try. As Eclipsed Sounds says their Dict is “generated” and mine is written by hand. In both case, however, there are words that needs to be modified while writing the lyrics in your songs: ie the rolled “r” can be made in different ways and you will hear it only by trying . In some cases you can write just “dx” for it ,in other it’s a “dx r” with the “r” at 20% “Duration” and in other cases it is a “dx l”, but it never has a rule.
Just try

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Me three months ago: “Man, Synth V is awesome but it only had three languages, it’s a shame!”
Me today : discover the power of dictionaries.

Thank you so much! Your dictionary makes the song sound Italian! I do have trouble with some simple syllables sometimes (I failed to get a proper “to” or “ta” ; a “little” bit troublesome for Italian, lol) , but I’ll figure it out.

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Tell me about all of your concerns in private, I’ll be glad to help you out with Italian :wink: I’m always experimenting, so I have maybe better suiting solutions for your work as concerning the pronunciation.

Thank you ^^. But I figured it out. If the vowel doesn’t work, I just add an “h” or a “w”. Sometimes for the “i” I add a “y”.
Now I just need to revise my italian, it’s a little rusty, lol.

Oh, I do have a question: how do you do the “an” sound? Like in “anche”? I get “aenche” for now.

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The best result with English phoneme, for me is “aa n k eh”. To adjust better pronunciation and accent for whatever language you MUST try to mix “Singing language” as shown in this picture. Dreamtonics has released very useful documents this week, for phoneme reference >>> Synthesizer V Studio Help Resources | Dreamtonics株式会社

This is absolutely well done. Great work.
bravo e grazie

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Good job for start, I am also Italian and appreciate. It took a while to understand how it works, you first ask for a new dictionary so that he creates english, then put the file into the english dir. Within Synth V you ask for a English database in the Note properties, then open the book icon with the dictionaries and the json file appears there (My expectation was that I could have it as a selection option in the note property dialog).
Compared to English, Italian has a different “r”, differentiation between “e” (close) and “E” (open), and generally more open vocals. I sometimes found myself better starting from Japanese rather than English. This works well also with Hungarian and Hindi, who speak as Italians do.

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Si @carosone , come ho spiegato anche ad altri, lo stesso sistema di lavoro con lo “italian dictionary” non mi stava soddisfacendo del tutto, quindi per il momento l’ho un po accantonato per riprenderlo non appena si vedranno ulteriori migliorie da parte del software stesso. Per il momento sto adoperando tutte le lingue del software combinandole per ottenere i migliori risultati fonemici. In pratica scrivo tutto in sillabe o inglesi o giapponesi o mandarine o cantonesi, a seconda ed i risultati sono molto più soddisfacenti.

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Hi everyone, I just joined the forum.
Thanks AleDZ, I downloaded your updated version, but the dicts folder is completely empty, and even in the voiceDB there are no language folders. any help please?

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This means you haven’t added any dictionaries yet. Create the folder and copy the dictionary into it.

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Thank you for having a look at my dictionary.
You have to follow the steps that are been suggested by @claire .
I must say that I’m not working on this kind of dictionaries since the beta with the support of Spanish in it. I have produced a lot of good Italian songs with it in the production studio I’m working with. Now it’s not beta anymore, so you have that support in the latest SynthesizerV release.
So you can write almost all in Italian and just tweak only few phonemes