Synthesizer V Editor Update (Build 018)


「いいね!」 1

好的 这回可以了(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

Thank you sir.

Like everyone, I don’t like chirps and glitches so cool!
Can someone explain to me was a voiced vocal and a unvoiced vocal is?


Voiced/unvoiced indicates whether the vocal folds are oscillating or not.

Eww… Anatomy :grin:

Ok. Thanks.

macOS 10.14.6

「いいね!」 1

Which database have you installed?

The ones from Quadimension: Chiyu, Shian, Cangqiong

Segmentation fault on linux when selecting audio device if set the gui scaling to a number less than 0.7.

新问题:更新了 Build 018 Windows 版本后,S5P 的文件图标丢失

Thank you soo much for fixing the Libcurl Package problem on Linux ^^

(Note: I’m a beginner to Linux, so I don’t know if my problems are “user error” or an actual bug with the software…)
I still have trouble trying to run Synth V on Linux (Mint). It doesn’t recognize the file at all unless I open it using a weird workaround.
When the editor does eventually run, I have the same voice database error message as henrymelt, but with Eleanor, Genbu and Renri…


This is sort of a mega thread, I’m sure you can find a solution here, or try asking around and I’ll (or someone else) will try to help (because I’m running the newest synthV build on Linux mint)

I’m able to run Synth V using a launcher, but I still don’t know what to do about the database errors. I’ve even re-downloaded the voices in case it was corrupted, but no difference.

huh, did uou locate them in the right area? What kind of an error are you getting?

I put them in the database folder. Each voice gives me the same error.

Have you also copied the files under registration/?

Ah, no I have not! My problem is solved, thank you!

在伴奏静音的情况下保存工程文件,退出SynthV编辑器并重新打开工程的时候,显示伴奏音量为"Na db",播放以后整个界面无法操作,只能强制退出

Howdy folks, Linux user here - currently using Ubuntu Release 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) 64-bit.

I’m having the issue with the data mismatch thing. Here’s what I tried doing:

  • I pasted the contents of the voicebank’s database folder into the program’s database folder; I did the same with the registration folders.

I’m quite confuzzled. Exactly what am I supposed to paste into where?