Voicebank won't appear in the track


「いいね!」 1

It works thank you,

「いいね!」 1

No problem! Happy to help a fellow Chromebook user!

Do you know how to import .MP3s and .SVPs

To insert mp3s, first convert them to WAV.Its not required, but recommended for higher quality.Go into the project menu and select “Add New Instrumental Track”
If it give you a screen like this:

Go to your Terminal and run

sudo apt install zenity

Now you should be able to import audio, after refreshing SynthV.

I’m not sure with SVPs though, when I imported one, It was very muffled.But maybe that was just the file itself.To import them, go to file, and select “Import as Tracks”.

Don’t forget to move your audio and SVP files to the Linux folder.I wish you the best!

Thank you.

Can you make another tutorial on how to install tsurumaki maki jp lite?

It would be the same process, but replace Eleanor’s file with Maki. Also, unzip the file if it comes in a .zip file.

Have you tried using a sand box windows emulator to run synth v ?

I still dont know how to un-zip files on a chromebook lol

But I won’t need too because the files come in svpk

I have exactly the same issue and I installed Synth V Studio Basic in a Mac, not Linux. “License and Updates” is empty, no Eleanor or whatever. I click on “Check for updates” and it finds nothing.
It seems like if the link to donwload the free full Synth V is a bit hard to find.

PS: Well, in the same official website there’s a singers menu, from which I should be able to get Eleanor. I’m trying.

PS: Unsuccessful. Perhaps not enough free space on my HD…

「いいね!」 1

Thank you, but the issue remains.
The question is: Sasphy-Os was able to solve the issue? And how?

On linux the process is simple, I’ve tested it myself on Ubuntu.

  1. Download files svstudio-basic-linux64-latest.zip and eleanor-lite-install-100.svpk
  2. Move the zip file to the desired directory and unzip SynthV Studio with unzip svstudio-basic-linux64-latest.zip
  3. Navigate to the new folder Synthesizer V Studio Basic and install the voice with ./synthv-studio ~/Downloads/eleanor-lite-install-100.svpk (adjust path to svpk to match your system)
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the voice
  5. When running the program in the future, you can just start it with ./synthv-studio since you don’t need to install the svpk file again.

For MacOS the process should be almost the same, just use the .pkg file instead of the .zip.

「いいね!」 1

To be clear, when installing a voice you will see this popup. If you have not seen this popup and followed the instructions, then you have not installed the voice.

「いいね!」 1

Thanks Claire, but I already did the process of installing all that, didn’t I? What’s the difference? Anyway I cannot check your 5 steps if you don’t put the links to the files.

I already provided you with the download link above, but I’ll provide it yet again:

Here’s a tutorial for MacOS someone made over a year ago. I found this by searching “synthv install macos” on Google and clicking the first video result. Its also the first result on YouTube when searching for that text.

「いいね!」 1

Yeah! This time I got it. I love you.