The Unofficial SynthV Studio User Manual

Say, Claire,

Could you post on the top of the manual web page the last time the manual was updated?


「いいね!」 4

Good idea, added :+1:

I opted for a “Latest Update” section on the home page that displays the latest Git commit. This means I don’t have to worry about forgetting to manually update a change log.

Adding it to the actual “top” of the webpage might be a bit cluttered and would require me to dig into the mkdocs source code, so hopefully having it on the home page does the job.

「いいね!」 3

Anywhere is fine.
Thank you.

「いいね!」 1

Claire, just wanted to say, thank you very much for putting this together. It’s a great resource, considering there’s nothing else written out there. Appreciate the work you put into this.

「いいね!」 3

Please admins, make this thread sticky.

「いいね!」 2

The thread should be at the top of the “Resource” category for new users since LinR made it pinnable.

Once you’ve visited the thread you can make it stay at the top of the category by clicking the pin.


You may also need to go to your user preferences and uncheck “Automatically unpin topics when I reach the bottom”.

「いいね!」 1

Oh, yeah. Will you look at that. :+1:

Thank you, Claire! I’m a brand newbie to Synthesizer V, so this is going to help immensely.

「いいね!」 1

Fantastic resource!

「いいね!」 1

wow! just wow! so important to access this information. And done in such a professional manner, un-bee-leeve-a-bul.
thanks so much.

「いいね!」 2

Hi Claire. This is great stuff - a must have for getting good results for sure. Just wondering, is there an easy way for users to “print” the guide? It would be great if you could open a PDF/document on your desktop, outside a browser … Then you could find things via keywords etc.

「いいね!」 1

I’ve looked into generating a PDF version and it’s possible, but has a few issues (mainly that all of the video examples get lost in the process).

As for finding things by keywords, the web version already has a search function at the top right of the page, which should make it easy to find a specific feature or term.

「いいね!」 2

Hey, you just seeded an idea for me… I do keep documentation for the various music items in a separate folder (like DAW, plugins, etc.) so I’ll try simply putting a shortcut to the web guide in there…

「いいね!」 1

Thanks so much for this. I’ve currently just been tinkering with the free version for an hour or 2 to get a feel for things (but intend to get the full version running on our studio machine this week when I have a bit of time) and this has already proved a really useful resource.

「いいね!」 3

Thank you much, I’m just arrived from Vocaloid. Synth V rocks! I purchased the Pro v1.8.1 with Solaria to start with. But Dreamtonic youtube videos don’t show all the possibilities, so I started complaining there was not a user manual and stumbled into this forum…

「いいね!」 2

This 64 year old newbie to Synth V is very grateful for your work Claire and I’ve just added this as a shortcut on my Stream Deck - is there any way I can make a coffee donation?

「いいね!」 3

Oh, I didn’t expect people would actually want to donate, I’m glad to hear I was able to help to that extent! :sweat_smile:

If you do feel so inclined, you can find a Ko-fi link at the bottom-right corner of the manual (or bottom-left on mobile).

「いいね!」 3

Some Coffees sent Claire. Thanks again.

「いいね!」 3

new user and thank you!

「いいね!」 2

Hey out there - I’m new to this forum but really appreciate this incredible online manual.
Is there any option to get the whole thing as a pdf?
I’d love to print it and take it wherever I’m going to be able to read and learn at any time…

「いいね!」 1